When anthropologists began to study and document their interactions with Indigenous peoples in North America, they noticed what appeared to be a secret language being communicated between the elders and leaders of the Tribes: handshakes, passwords, stories, myths, rituals, sacred numbers, and ceremonial items that seemed to belong to a secret society operating within the Native American communities. This occult dialogue was recognized by Europeans who also belonged to a mystery tradition known as Freemasonry, and the similarities to their rites and symbols seemed so significant that they began to draw connections and create lore to explain or rationalize them.
One erroneous eighteenth-century theory, known today as the Jewish Indian Theory, was that a break-away group of Israelites from the Tribe of either Dan, Asher, or Zebulon sailed on Phoenician ships across the Atlantic and successfully established themselves in North America. To build a new Israel, they integrated themselves with the Native people and then converted them to Judaism. According to the theory, the Israelites brought their religion and ancient knowledge, and introduced them into the preexisting spiritual system. The elders of the northeastern Tribes created ritual lodges, ceremonial aprons, secret handshakes, and even sacred words of power used only between those initiated into their mystery cults...
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One erroneous eighteenth-century theory, known today as the Jewish Indian Theory, was that a break-away group of Israelites from the Tribe of either Dan, Asher, or Zebulon sailed on Phoenician ships across the Atlantic and successfully established themselves in North America. To build a new Israel, they integrated themselves with the Native people and then converted them to Judaism. According to the theory, the Israelites brought their religion and ancient knowledge, and introduced them into the preexisting spiritual system. The elders of the northeastern Tribes created ritual lodges, ceremonial aprons, secret handshakes, and even sacred words of power used only between those initiated into their mystery cults...
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Nothing comes from nothing. Manly Hall’s vision for the All-Seeing Eye was entirely supported by contributions from its readers who paid for their subscription with gifts made according to their means. Manly Hall wrote,
“This magazine is published and distributed privately to those who make possible with their financial support its publication. The magazine cannot be bought and has no fixed value. Like all of the ancient teachings which it seeks to promulgate, it has no comparative value, but the students must support it for its own intrinsic merit.”